This is fucked up! In everything BUT a bad way!
This is some great animating... especially with the white tricky the clown and the fire! But I have one complaint that I've had since Depredation ( fav episode )... He is dying to many times. The movie starts and he's being slammed in to wall with half a head and bloods everywhere (its good though).. but he's just getting killed to much..Hanks a good fighter but if it wasn't for God or whoever the hell's giving him another chance, he would have been dead like 4 episodes ago! But i'm starting to actually get the feeling he's dead the way it said "GOOD NIGHT HANK" and the savior blasted his brains out...
Lastly, this too me was an extremely different style compared to the other episodes the way he's running instead of killing and it was more artistic... good movie...